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OSTF Minutes 04-06-2009

                                               OPEN SPACE TASK FORCE
                                                    Minutes of the Meeting                                               
                                                          April 6, 2009

Attendance: Pat Botteron, , Sue Larsen, Roy Normen, Marcia Banach, Karl Reichle, Carol Heffler, Betty Warren, Herb Asplund, Michael Gantick, Louise Evans

Chairman Pat Botteron called the meeting to order at 5:35 pm.

Public Participation

Acceptance of Minutes
   Minutes of the February meeting were accepted. There was no meeting in March.
New Business
   Betty Warren expressed the concerns of SWLPAC. There have been numerous violations on Open Space and what could be done about it.  Pat Botteron thought we could use the park regulations.  Carol Heffler said the violations were loose dogs in the sanctuary and horses on the walking trails at Major Donnelly Park.  The leash law should apply to the dogs. Karl Reichle thought there was an ordinance on horses but Marcia Banach disagreed. Pat Botteron said that Councilman Ed  Havens thought we should have regulations for Open Space. Carol Heffler would like a council liaison.  Mike Gantick and Jeff Folger will research state regulations since state money funded many of the parcels.
     Roy Normen motion  - A Wapping Park sign be put back on Ellington Road with the sign stating that the parking entrance is on Clark Street. Louise Evans seconded the motion. A discussion on  putting a sign back on Ellington Road was held with safety being the main concern. Another discussion was about whether public works would do the sign some time next winter.  Mike Gantick felt the bugger issue was having signs at all open space parks. The vote was 6 yes and 4 no.
          Pat Botteron reported that a card was sent to Jim Snow who is recuperating in Glastonbury. She met a SW resident at a party and he thought we should have updated maps so residents could utilize the properties more.  Pat Botteron asked Mike Gantick if anything was happening in the State Budget for farmland preservation. An e-mail had been sent out stating that the funding was being reduced. We all felt with the economy  being in such bad shape that there was little we could do.  
        Mike Gantick spoke briefly on planning the Wapping Park Open House.  We should consider this fall since the scouts are still working on the trails.  Possibly next month we should utilize our meeting date by walking  the property again.

Old Business  

    Betty Warren asked about the Jurgelas and Nelson properties.  Councilman Gary Bazzano had told her that it should be on the agenda soon.
   Louise Evans reported that the Historical Society had a newsletter article on the Rye Street Cemetery.
       The rating sheet was reviewed.  Roy Normen had put together the parcel rating to overlap in sizes.  This would allow smaller parcels with more value to get the greater rating. Marcia Banach will incorporate Roy’s recommendation into the rating sheet for next month’s meeting.  

Other Business       

The next meeting will be May 4th .

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Sue W. Larsen